Rebecca Nestor

Support for those facing the climate crisis


I can help you build an organisational culture and working practices that release the energy you need for your purposes. Along with ten years’ professional experience I have completed a demanding training in organisational consulting, involving five years’ assessed study, reflective practice and supervision. Check out the description of how I approach consultancy work below.


No pre-packaged answers

I don’t come in assuming I know the answers, or even what the questions are. I will spend time getting to know you, for example by having confidential conversations with staff members. I will test out emerging insights with you, so that we reach a shared understanding of the issues and any solutions really do come from you.

Empathy and insight

If there are difficult relationships or unproductive working practices you can expect me to think deeply, and help you to think, about what might underlie these. I will be alongside you to help you take careful, thoughtful steps towards the changes that your organisation needs.

Contact Me
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on workshops or to
arrange one

Contact Me