Rebecca Nestor
Support for those facing the climate crisis
A supportive, challenging and confidential coaching relationship can really help when you’re working in a difficult field. Climate change is a ‘wicked problem’: there are no simple answers and the work is emotionally demanding. Having someone to process ideas and feelings with can open up your capacity to think and handle the challenges of the work.
How coaching works
The first session is free, because we use it to discuss your goals and get to know each other. If you feel a connection, think you’d like to work with me and are happy to continue, we’ll set the purpose of the coaching and some working principles, and agree the number of sessions in the first instance.
We will then have a two-hour session in which we look at you and your history, your role in the organisation, and the organisational purpose – and how these relate to each other and combine to create your experience of work. That will give us a good basis for continuing with regular 90-minute sessions over the agreed period. We will review the relationship at agreed stages.